In my code I have function which calls the api. I want to throttle it someehow that the user cannot just keep on clicking the button to call the api.
Here is my function which calls the service
public toggleFavorite(message: Message): void {
const toggleMessageFavourite = new ToggleMessageFavouriteState(message.Id);
this.messageService.toggleMessageFavourite(toggleMessageFavourite).subscribe(() => {
message.Isfavourite = !message.Isfavourite;
In my service I have this code
toggleMessageFavourite(model: ToggleMessageFavouriteState) {
const url = `/Api/message/toggleMessageFavourite/`;
return, model).pipe(
I am expecting this function to throttle for 5 seconds before calling the next request.
It is not working since you are using the throttleTime
operator in the pipe of a specific http request, that prevents more emission from the original observable but doesn't prevent new http requests.
One of the ways to achieve what you need is something like this:
toggledMessage$ = new Subject<toggleMessageFavourite >();
public toggleFavorite(message: Message): void {
const toggleMessageFavourite = new ToggleMessageFavouriteState(message.Id);;
public exampleMethod(): void {
.subscribe(message => /* call api */ )
Of course, you need to call the exampleMethod initially in the ngOnInit
You can also call the api in the switchMap operator and subscribe to the final result.