I'm working with a React MUI DataGrid. I need to get the values of the selected rows. At the moment, only the ids are coming through, and I get several errors throughout.
rows = data;
const columns = [
field: "id",
headerName: "ID",
sortable: false,
hide: true,
field: "firstName",
headerName: "First Name",
field: "lastName",
headerName: "Last Name",
field: "age",
headerName: "Age",
This is my React Hook.
const [ selection, setSelection ] = useState<GridSelectionModel>([]);
And this is the DataGrid.
<div style={{ height: 400, width: "100%" }}>
getRowId={(row) => row.id}
onSelectionModelChange={(newSelection) => {
console.log("selection", selection)
This prints the id.
<p>{selection.map((data) => data)}</p>
But, what I need, and I'm not able to figure out is:
{selection.map((data) => {
return (
<div key={data.id}>. <---ERROR
<p>{data.firstName}</p> <---ERROR
<p>{data.lastName}</p> <---ERROR
When I do it this way, I get the following error: "Property does not exist on type 'GridRowId'."
will be an array of IDs instead of an array of items. You can remap the IDs back to your items, E.g,
"id": "id-001",
"firstName": "First Name 1",
"lastName": "Last Name 1",
"age": 1
"id": "id-002",
"firstName": "First Name 2",
"lastName": "Last Name 2",
"age": 2
"id": "id-003",
"firstName": "First Name 3",
"lastName": "Last Name 3",
"age": 3
"id": "id-004",
"firstName": "First Name 4",
"lastName": "Last Name 4",
"age": 4
"id": "id-005",
"firstName": "First Name 5",
"lastName": "Last Name 5",
"age": 5
import { useState } from "react";
import { DataGrid, GridSelectionModel } from "@mui/x-data-grid";
import data from "./data.json";
const columns = [
field: "id",
headerName: "ID",
sortable: false,
hide: true
field: "firstName",
headerName: "First Name"
field: "lastName",
headerName: "Last Name"
field: "age",
headerName: "Age"
// NOTE: Pulls in imported json data.
const rows = data;
export default function App() {
const [selection, setSelection] = useState<GridSelectionModel>([]);
return (
<div style={{ height: 400, width: "100%" }}>
gridRowId={(row) => row.id}
.map((selectedId) => data.find((item) => item.id === selectedId))
.map(({ id, firstName, lastName }) => (
<div key={id}>