I'm following a tutorial on how to use React and Java in conjunction (using Ionic and Typescript) but I do not know much of JavaScript. It's a simple CRUD where you can add, edit and remove clients of a list. Simple enough, yet when I either create a new client it both edits(or creates) an object but also duplicates its entry. I guess the problem is on the "save" button but I cant find the problem.
This is the specific editClient.tsx for the creation or edditing of an object
const { name, id } = useParams<{
name: string;
id: string;
const [client, setClient] = useState<any>({});/* this array will be called when we do a search*/
useEffect(() => {search();}, []);
const history = useHistory();
const search = () => {
if(id !== 'new') {
let result = searchClientById(id);
const save = () => {
return (
<IonButtons slot="start">
<IonMenuButton />
<IonContent fullscreen>
<IonHeader collapse="condense">
<IonTitle size="large"></IonTitle>
<IonTitle>{id === 'new' ? 'Set New Client' : 'Edit Client'}</IonTitle>
<IonLabel position="stacked">Name</IonLabel>
<IonInput onIonChange={e => client.firstname = e.detail.value} value={client.firstname}></IonInput>
<IonLabel position="stacked">Surname</IonLabel>
<IonInput onIonChange={e => client.surname = e.detail.value} value={client.surname}></IonInput>
<IonLabel position="stacked">Email</IonLabel>
<IonInput onIonChange={e => client.email = e.detail.value} value={client.email}></IonInput>
<IonLabel position="stacked">Adress</IonLabel>
<IonInput onIonChange={e => client.address = e.detail.value} value={client.address}></IonInput>
<IonLabel position="stacked">Phone</IonLabel>
<IonInput onIonChange={e => client.phone = e.detail.value} value={client.phone}></IonInput>
<IonButton onClick={save} color="primary" fill='solid' slot='end' size='default'>
<IonIcon icon={checkmark} />
Save Changes
This is the saveClient function specific in the clientApi.tsx which is called in the previous code
export function saveClient(client:any) {
let clients = searchClient(); //array with clients
if(client.id) {
//edit - search by id & replace
let index = clients.findIndex((c:any) => c.id == client.id);
clients[index] = client;
}else {
//new - generates id & does a push to the array
client.id = Math.round(Math.random()*10000);
clients.push(client); //in that array we add the client we recive [].push(client)
localStorage['clients'] = JSON.stringify(clients); //we transform it into a string
I tried a debugger in editClient.tsx's save function but couldn't get it to show me how the object is loaded. I reviewd it against the tutorial and, bar from the diference on language it's on point. I think it might be a typo.
Your saveClient function's logic is obviously faulty. you have a Clients.push(client) at the end of your function, so it would push anyways independent from the findIndex result. also findIndex would return -1 if it doesn't find the result. here is the fixed version:
export function saveClient(client:any) {
let clients = searchClient(); //array with clients
if(client.id) {
//edit - search by id & replace
let index = clients.findIndex((c:any) => c.id == client.id);
if(index >= 0){
clients[index] = client;
}else {
//new - generates id & does a push to the array
client.id = Math.round(Math.random()*10000);
localStorage['clients'] = JSON.stringify(clients); //we transform it into a string