I'm hoping someone can guide me on how to best update my javafx in Intellij so I don't accidentally break my implementation entirely so I can't work on my application.
when I run my application I get the following:
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 19 by JavaFX runtime of version 17.0.2-ea
I know from reviewing other posts that it's because I'm using JDK v19, with SceneBuilder v19 but javafx is v17.
When I go to File -> Project Structure -> Libraries, I've added the path to the javafx-sdk-19\lib folder, which I've downloaded from gluonhq, however I see that there is javafx v17 libraries there with 'Maven:' in front. I'm worried that if I just remove them, my javafx will completely break.
Can anyone guide me on updating it? I know this is a warning not something that will break my application unless I'm using a specific code update that only appears in v19 but I'd like a clean console to review errors.
Here's a view of my Project Structure: project structure window
In Order To Update:
Go To: File -> Project Structure -> Libraries
And Remove that Library,
Then Download The New(Latest) JavaFX Version And Install it.
And Add It To File -> Project Structure -> Libraries, Again Newer One.
And It Wont Break