I'm working with Playwright, cucumber and Javascript. I'm facing the next issues below:
page.type: selector: expected string, got object
page.click: selector: expected string, got function
And many similar error messages.
this is the profile.cjs class, where the data is located:
const wrongEmailFormat = 'eyftqeiuyfqwiyfiwqfywqgfywqguddwqguy'
const existingEmail = 'amalg12@gmail.com'
module.exports = { wrongEmailFormat , existingEmail };
This is my profile-page.cjs:
const { secondaryUrl } = require("../config.cjs");
const { wrongEmailFormat , existingEmail } = require("../data/profile.cjs")
const should = require('chai').should(); //Chai assertion
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
const profileTitle = async () => await page.$('//h2[contains(text(),\'My Profile\')]')
const communicationTab = async () => await page.$('//button[@id=\'headlessui-tabs-tab-:R5l6:\']')
const currentEmail = async () => await page.$('#current-email')
const updateEmail = async () => await page.$('#cla9ruxam000w3b630t1c9dl4')
class ProfilePage {
async navigateToProfilePage() {
await page.goto(secondaryUrl)
await delay(2000)
async profilePageDisplayed() {
async communicationTabDisplayed() {
async currentEmailFieldDisplayed(){
async updateEmailFieldDisplayed(){
async updateEmailWrongFormat(){
//await page.keyboard.press(updateEmail().type(wrongEmailFormat))
//await updateEmail().click()
//await page.click(updateEmail, { force: true })
//await page.fill(wrongEmailFormat).toString()
//await page.waitFor(updateEmail())
//await page.click(updateEmail, { force: true }).toString()
//await page.fill(updateEmail(), wrongEmailFormat).toString()
//await page.dispatchEvent(updateEmail()).click
//await updateEmail().keys(wrongEmailFormat)
//await delay(3000)
module.exports = { ProfilePage };
updateEmailWrongFormat is all with comments, because I have tried in many ways, but without success.
Could anybody help me with this, please?
The error was the next:
All the selectors included in the profile-page were using the "WebdriverIO" format, so I did the next:
1.- Take all the selectors and move them to a new folder(selectors) inside a new class: profile-selectors with the next format:
module.exports = {
profileTitle: '//h2[contains(text(),\'My Profile\')]',
communicationTab: '//button[@id=\'headlessui-tabs-tab-:R5l6:\']',
updateEmail:'//html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/main[1]/div[1]/div[2]/' +
After this, import in the Page object class and use them:
const { profileTitle, communicationTab, currentEmail, updateEmail} = require('../selectors/profile-selectors')
I know there are many xpaths, but much of the webelements do not have identifiers, or any others are dynamic elements.