i want to import @heroicons/vue
in Nuxt 3 but my icon not appear in frontend.
my setup:
import { HomeIcon, FilmIcon, PlusIcon } from "@heroicons/vue/solid"
my html:
<template v-for="(profileItem, i) in accountSetFields" :key="i">
<ProfileItems :user="user" :item="profileItem" />
<template v-slot:icon>
<component :is="profileItem.icon"></component>
the variable profile.Item.icon
has a string value of "HomeIcon"
I have tried to pass the value directly to the child component "ProfileItem.vue" but i receive the same error message.
When i pass the value directly as string ("HomeIcon" instead of profile.Item.icon
) than it works because it mentioned the attribute from import { HomeIcon, FilmIcon, PlusIcon } from "@heroicons/vue/solid
<component :is="HomeIcon"></component>
Did anyone know how to load the icons dynamically?
That one works well
<script setup>
import { HomeIcon, FilmIcon, PlusIcon } from "@heroicons/vue/24/solid"
const icons = reactive({
home: HomeIcon,
film: FilmIcon,
plus: PlusIcon,
<component :is="icons.home"></component>
as explained here, you need the 24
in your import (for the size).
Not sure but this may also help maybe, didn't have to use that myself: https://github.com/tailwindlabs/heroicons/issues/564
Or you can forget about worrying about various icons configuration and fallback to that one (configured once and for all): https://stackoverflow.com/a/72055404/8816585