How can I stop a game object box collider triggering underneath a dropdown box UI element?
When I select a dropdown list item, it also sends a click through to the game object beneath the dropdown list.
Obviously we only want one UI element getting clicked in this case.
So it seems there is no "inbuilt" or elegant way to do this, so its workaround time: Here is what I came up with that works perfectly.
Put these two lines in your update () to set a boolean flag marking the drop box in use.
if (MyDropBox.transform.childCount != 3 && !MyDropBoxDown) { MyDropBoxDown = true;} // Detect dropbox down and set a bool flag
if (MyDropBox.transform.childCount == 3 && MyDropBoxDown) { MyDropBoxDown = false;} // detect dropbox up and unset a bool flag
Then you can either disable the box collider usng this flag, or just drop out of the function called by the box collider, eg if (MyDropBoxDown) {return} so it doesn't run.