We're getting StackOverflowErrors from Java's serialization library. The problem is that the default serialization implementation is recursive, the depth of which is bounded only by the longest path through a network of references.
We realize we could override the default methods but we have hundreds of richly-connected classes in our project so we're not enthusiastic about the override approach. We're more interested if there is a generalized solution that is non-recursive (or at least moves the recursion from the stack to the heap).
I googled this topic and found only lots of people bitterly complaining about the same thing but most of these complaints were from many years ago. Has the situation improved? If not and we write a generalized implementation, do you have any advice? We're presuming there is some reason (not yet obvious to us) why no one has cracked this nut. In theory, doing it 'right' sounds like it should be feasible.
I had this problem a while back. For richly connected classes, even if you are able to complete the serialization without a stack overflow, the serialization is dog slow. When we solved this problem, we had a handful of classes, so we just created our own serialization format that packed the data into a set of integer object ids, with integer fields ids for each field and described their connections through a series of object id, field id, other object id mappings. This custom approach was very fast and extremely light on memory, but really only works if you have a small set of classes you want to serialize.
The general case is much harder and the demand for serialization of richly connected classes is not that strong, so I would guess that's why no ones solved it.
You're basically onto the problem already though, you will always need a stack depth equal to the maximum height of a Depth First Search tree and so any time your graph is deeper than that, you'll get a stack overflow. It is fundamentally a recursive problem, so you're going to either need to use recursion or fake recursion by moving the stack allocations to a Stack object you put on the heap. I would take a look at the OpenJDK implementation:
You already have a DebugTraceInfoStack, I would create a second Stack field for the current object you are writing and change the writeObject0 method to push the Object onto the stack, something like this:
while(!stack.empty()) {
obj = stack.pop();
Then you just change all calls to writeObject0(x); to stack.push(x);. Simple, standard conversion between recursion and iteration, except the class is almost 2500 lines and there are probably tons of gotchas.
If you do end up building it though, I would advocate submitting at as a patch to the next version of java as it would be useful, something like IterativeObjectOutputStream for use on deep object graphs.