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Java Unchecked Cast from List containing wildcard to List of a specific type

I have the following classes

public class PathPart {
    private final String pathPart;

    public PathPart(String pathPart) {
        this.pathPart = pathPart;

    public String getPathPart() {
        return pathPart;

public class Path {
    private final List<? extends PathPart> pathParts;

    public Path(String path) {
        this.pathParts = getPathParts(path);

    public List<? extends PathPart> getPathParts() {
        return this.pathParts;

    protected List<? extends PathPart> getPathParts(String path) {

public class FooBarPathPart extends PathPart {
    public FooBarPathPart(String pathPart) {
        super(isFoo(pathPart) ? "bar" : pathPart);

    private static boolean isFoo(String pathPart) {
        return "foo".equals(pathPart);

public class FooBarPath extends Path {
    public FooBarPath(String path) {

    public List<FooBarPathPart> getPathParts() {
        return (List<FooBarPathPart>) super.getPathParts();

    protected List<FooBarPathPart> getPathParts(String path) {

where I'd like to capture the structure of a filesystem path /my/path/to/a/directory in my Path object, which stores my, path, to, a, directory each as a PathPart object.

Now, I have a subclass of PathPart called FooBarPathPart, where if the path part is equal to foo, then I want it to change it to bar. And, I also have FooBarPath which is a subclass of Path, which stores a list of FooBarPathPart. So /my/path/to/foo/directory will essentially become /my/path/to/bar/directory

My issue is that I get an Unchecked cast warning from List<? extends PathPart> to List<FooBarPath> in my getPathParts() method in the FooBarPath class.

Is there a way to get rid of this unchecked cast warning properly? Is my usage of the wildcard correct here? Or is there a better way to approach this problem that doesn't involve the wildcard? I'm not very familiar with generics


  • Thanks for the help Thomas

    I have solved the problem using generics and using a creator function. Here's the full solution:

    public class PathPart {
        private final String pathPart;
        public PathPart(String pathPart) {
            this.pathPart = pathPart;
        public String getPathPart() {
            return pathPart;
    public class FooBarPathPart extends PathPart {
        public FooBarPathPart(String pathPart) {
            super(isFoo(pathPart) ? "bar" : pathPart);
        private static boolean isFoo(String pathPart) {
            return "foo".equals(pathPart);
    public abstract class AbstractPath<T extends PathPart> {
        private final List<T> pathParts;
        private final Function<String, T> factory;
        public AbstractPath(Function<String, T> factory, String path) {
            this.factory = factory;
            this.pathParts = createPathParts(path);
        public List<T> createPathParts() {
            return this.pathParts;
        private List<T> createPathParts(String path) {
    public class Path extends AbstractPath<PathPart> {
        public Path(String path) {
            super(PathPart::new, path);
    public class FooBarPath extends AbstractPath<FooBarPathPart> {
        public FooBarPath(String path) {
            super(FooBarPathPart::new, path);