I use helm charts for k8s deployment. And chart has secrets from Hashicorp's Vault
and I use ArgoCD to automate deployments and argocd-vault-plugin
take care injecting vault secrets from vault server before installing helm charts on GKE k8s cluster.
All good until now.
I would like to understand how this works for charts deployments (helm install
) to local k8s cluster. What is the recommended way of charts (with vault secrets) installing on local k8s cluster
You can install / use argocd-vault-plugin from CLI
# generate helm template, pipe to vault plugin to inject secrets, pipe to kubectl to apply
# ensure you are targeting the correct cluster
helm template my-app ./path -f env/values.yaml | argocd-vault-plugin generate - | kubectl apply -f -
Dependencies: You will need to have access to vault locally, and set some environment vars. Source: https://argocd-vault-plugin.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/#environment-variables