I am currently trying to get the Size and reshape my rectangle to the actual size of the image (width and height). However when i use Image.Height or Image.Width its always 0. The picture that is displayed when i start the program takes up the entire screen
Uri imageUri = new Uri(FileListe[position]);
Image Bild = new Image();
Bild.Source = new BitmapImage(imageUri);
Interface.Width = Bild.Width;
Interface.Height = Bild.Height;
brush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(imageUri);
Interface.Fill = brush;
have you tried using the bitmap image to get width and height from?
For example:
BitmapImage bitmapBild = new BitmapImage(imageUri);
Interface.Width = bitmapBild.Width;
Interface.Height = bitmapBild.Height;