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Accessing map values in a NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

I have a table with an entity_type and entity_id VARCHAR columns. I want to get all rows that match a list of entity_type and entity_id. I successfully manage to do that:

WHERE (entity_type = 'type1' AND entity_id = 'id1') OR (entity_type = 'type1' AND entity_id = 'id2') OR (entity_type = 'type2' AND entity_id = 'id3')

With this solution:

public class Entity {
  private String type;
  private String id;
  // Getters setters

public class Request {
  private List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<>();
  // Other ctriteria
  // getters setters

  Request  request = getRequest();
  SqlParameterSource params = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(request);
  StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
  query.append("SELECT * FROM TABLE");
  List<String> clauses = new ArrayList<>();
  List<Entity> entities = request.getEntities();
  if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(entities)) {
    List<String> entityClauses = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
      String entity = String.format(":entities[%s]", i);
      entityClauses.add("(ENTITY_ID = " + entity + ".identifier AND ENTITY_TYPE = " + entity + ".type)");
    clauses.add(" OR ", "(", ")")));
  // Others clauses...
  if (!clauses.isEmpty()) {
    query.append(" AND ", " WHERE ", "")));
  return getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate().query(query.toString(), params, getRowMapper());

I would like to group by types like that:

WHERE  (entity_type = 'type1' AND entity_id  IN('id1', 'id2')) OR (entity_type = 'type2' AND entity_id IN('id3'))

With a Map<String, Set<String>> instead of a List<Entity>

public class Request {
  private Map<String,Set<String>> entities = new HashMap<>();
  // Other ctriteria
  // getters setters

However, then I don't know how to access the map values in the request.

How do I write the Spring JDBC request to achieve that? Is it even possible?


  • The solution was to turn the BeanPropertySqlParameterSource into a MapSqlParameterSource to be able to add new param

          Request  request = getRequest();
          BeanPropertySqlParameterSource beanParams = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(request);
          MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
          for (String paramName : beanParams.getReadablePropertyNames()) {
            Object value = beanParams.getValue(paramName);
            params.addValue(paramName, value);
          StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
          query.append("SELECT * FROM TABLE");
          List<String> clauses = new ArrayList<>();
          List<Entity> entities = request.getEntities();
          if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(entities)) {
            List<String> entityClauses = new ArrayList<>();
            Map<String, List<Entity>> entityByType =;
            for(Map.Entry<String, List<Entity>> entry: entityByType.entrySet()) {
              String type = entry.getKey();
              List<String> ids = entry.getValue();
              String paramNameType = "Entity" + type + "_type";
              String paramNameIds = "Entity" + type + "_ids";
              entityClauses.add("(ENTITY_TYPE = :" + paramNameType + " AND ENTITY_ID IN (:" + paramNameIds + "))");
              params.addValue(paramNameType, type);
              params.addValue(paramNameIds, ids);    
            clauses.add(" OR ", "(", ")")));
          // Others clauses...
          if (!clauses.isEmpty()) {
            query.append(" AND ", " WHERE ", "")));
          return getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate().query(query.toString(), params, getRowMapper());