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“Partial application” for template parameters

I have the following “main” template:

template <
        template <typename> class S
    > struct TT { /*...*/ };

and the template I want to use with TT:

template <int N, typename T> struct S1 {};

In particular, I want to use something like

TT< S1<5> > t2; // "Invalid template arguments" here

It is a kind of partial application for templates. I know that Boost.MPL involves this kind of stuff. The problem is that I already have some code using TT and templates like

template <typename T> struct S2 {}; // S3, S4…

which are fed to TT.

So the question is: how can I use S1 with TT with smallest modifications to existing code. If it is mandatory to use Boost.MPL please show me most suitable solution.


  • Define a class template deriving from S1 as:

    template <typename T> 
    struct S11 : S1<5,T>

    And then use S11, instead of S1 as:

    TT< S11> t2;  //it is as if TT< S1<5> > t2

    Working code :

    Reading your comment, it seems you need this:

    template<int N>
    struct Magic
       template <typename T> 
       struct S11 : S1<N,T>
    TT<Magic<5>::S11> t2;

    Magic Demo :