class GFG {
public static void main (String[] args) {
int s=4;
int k=3;
int a=s^k;
int b=a & -a;
I have compiled the above code it gives 1 as the output.
But I can't get that how it is compiling.
if I do XOR OPERATION between s and k it will give 111(7).
but don't know how b=a & -a
working please explain.*
Think of it in binary.
s = 100
k = 011
a = s^k = 100 ^ 011 = 111
To get negative number invert all digits and add 1
-a = invert a + 1 = 000 + 001 = 001
a & -a = 111 & 001 = 001 = decimal 1