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@IncludeTags with & to only include tests with both tags

I have a selenium project in Java using JUnit5. I have some suites and several tests with tags. I want to have a suite that runs all tests with both tags

An example of a suite is:

@SuiteDisplayName("C User Menu Screenshots Comparison Tests")
public class CUserMenuScreenshotComparisonSuite {

But instead of listing all of the tags to exclude, I'd rather have something like:

@IncludeTags({"CC" & "USERMENU"})
@SuiteDisplayName("C User Menu Screenshots Comparison Tests")
public class CUserMenuScreenshotComparisonSuite {

But intellij highlights that & as not allowed here. I have read that this is acceptable here

Tried using:

  • @IncludeTags("CC" & "USERMENU")
  • @IncludeTags{("CC" & "USERMENU")}
  • @IncludeTags{"CC" & "USERMENU"}
  • @IncludeTags{("CC" && "USERMENU")}

java: bad operand types for binary operator '&'
  first type:  java.lang.String
  second type: java.lang.String


  • Instead of

    @IncludeTags({"CC" & "USERMENU"})

