I have a certain functionality where I have to export all tabs into the PDF, each tab in separate page. For tabs I have used react-tabs (https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-tabs).
It has one property called forceRenderTabPanel
. While its true all the tabs will be rendered into the DOM.
I have used the jsPDF library for Exporting HTML(Tabs) to PDF.
jspdf has one method called .HTML()
, which will take HTML renderer in its argument, I'm giving parent div into the argument.
As u can see in this example: Link to my codesandbox
As you can see in exported PDF there are only one (Active Tab) is exporting, even though All 3 tabs has been rendered into the Dom, what I'm looking for is Each Tab should be exported in Separate Pages.
How do I make multipage PDF from HTML using jspdf's .HTML() method or any other method with CSS from external file? or How Do I Add multipage inside .html() method's callback Can we carried out these task using another library or method? Any suggestion would be appreciable!!!
const doc = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "a4");
doc.html(document.getElementById("Page1"), {
callback: function (pdf) {
[1500, 1500],
pdf.html(document.getElementById("Page2"), {
callback: function (pdf2) {
[1500, 1500],
pdf2.html(document.getElementById("Page3"), {
callback: function (pdf3) {
y: 1500,
I've tried using this way but I'm getting second and third blank pages, only First Page is visible!
I Found a Sort of trick For my requirement of exporting multipage PDF using .HTML() method, U can use nested callback functions like these & give X, and Y Coordinates based on Page Size
const doc = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "a4");
doc.html(document.getElementById("Page1"), {
callback: function (pdf) {
pdf.addPage("a4", "l");
pdf.html(document.getElementById("Page2"), {
callback: function (pdf2) {
pdf2.addPage("a4", "l");
pdf2.html(document.getElementById("Page3"), {
callback: function (pdf3) {
x: 0,
y: 2 * pageHeight,
x: 0,
y: pageHeight,
x: 0,
y: 0,
Any Suggestions on How to make these code dynamic using for loop, based on number of Pages?