I am learning how to compress the file by JavaScript by using "node-gzip"(https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-gzip). "node-gzip" README said the following when you can compressed text. So I tried to change from 'Hello World' to fileA(ascii or binary file) , but it does not work.
How can I compress the file by usign "node-gzip".
** Nodejs and node-gzip is installed.
<"node-gzip" README>
const {gzip, ungzip} = require('node-gzip');
const compressed = await gzip('Hello World');
const decompressed = await ungzip(compressed);
console.log(decompressed.toString()); //Hello World
I believe your goal is as follows.
'Hello World'
in your showing script.In this case, how about the following modification?
Please set your text filename with the path to the following script.
const text = fs.readFileSync("./sample.txt"); // or const text = fs.readFileSync("./sample.txt", "utf-8");
const compressed = await gzip(text);
const decompressed = await ungzip(compressed);
const fs = require("fs");