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How to Install cp-ksql-server Helm Chart that Communicates with Secured Broker

I'm trying to connect a KSQLDB Helm chart cp-ksqldb-server with an SSL-secured Kafka broker. The chart I used for the broker is bitnami/kafka.

I've used this script to create keystore and truststore JKS files. Created secret of these files and passed the secret to the auth.tls.existingSecrets parameter in bitnami/kafka helm chart, which is working fine. Followed this doc for the whole process.

Now I'm trying to configure cp-ksqldb-server Helm chart to connect to the broker so that the connection is encrypted with SSL. I'm using SASL_SSL to connect to the broker. From the KSQLDB Doc I have to pass configuration values like this:

sasl.jaas.config=\ required \
    username="<user>" \

I have to pass these values in the configurationOverrides parameter.

My question is (For KSQLDB chart):

  • How do I pass ssl.truststore.location value, as my truststore file is in my local machine, and what I'm trying to run is a KSQLDB Helm chart in a Kubernetes cluster?
  • Is there any way to pass secret values like bitnami/kafka?
  • Is there any way to pass the truststore file by volume binding in this chart?



  • The linked chart does not support custom volume mounts for external files, which is what you'd need, and shown how to do using kubectl create secret ... --from-file


    These charts are no longer maintained, so you'd be better off cloning and editing the chart to your needs, anyway.