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Lua — If error in function, then do something

I feel like this should be simple, but can't seem to solve it. I have a function in Lua that's designed to validate a confirm code in a survey. Basically, if the ID is valid, then we can grab lots of data from that code, but if it's not a valid code, the script will break because it'll be populating nil values.

So, I basically need an error check — if the function can run properly, then run it. If it can't then I need to ask for a new code.

I've tried using pcall which feels like is exactly for this. I'm working off the Lua documentation:

   if pcall(foo) then
      -- no errors while running `foo'
      -- `foo' raised an error: take appropriate actions

On my end, that means I have a function:

function populate()

 ... doing lots here to unencrypt and parse the ID someone gives and populate variables


Then I'm running the follwing:

if pcall(populate) then
  print('no errors!') -- Just printing as a test, if there's no error, I'll run the script
  print('Oh snap theres an error!) -- I'll change this to ask the user for a valid ID and then try again

What am I missing? I know it's going to be simple. But the last part of my code always returns the "Oh snap..." no matter what.

Thanks in advance, I have a super complex code running that I was able to build from just reading responses to other questions, but can't seem to get this simple part to work. Entirely possible I'm missing the point of pcall.


  • What do you expect?
    If i am unsure what happen or which return value i should use for another condition i normally test/check in Lua Standalone...

    € lua
    Lua 5.4.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2022, PUC-Rio
    > pcall(string.gsub,'foo','%l','bar') -- Check for lowercases
    true    barbarbar   3
    > pcall(string.gsub,'foo','%u','bar') -- Check for uppercases
    true    foo 0
    > -- In this case i have to use maybe the third return value to decide what to do?
    > -- OK -- Lets go...
    > a, b, c = pcall(string.gsub,'foo','%u','bar') -- Check for uppercases
    > if a and c == 0 then print('Only Kiddies here!') return false end
    Only Kiddies here!