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How to put a character variable into another character variable both coming from 2 differents structures?

I have to affect a character from a structure to another and I have a mistake but I don't get where is it coming from. Here is the .txt file :

stabilimetre    stabilimetre    Nom:Mas+SG

Here is the first structure :

typedef struct s_node
    char letter; //This one 
    struct s_node* f_letters[26];
    word* flechies;

typedef struct s_tree
    t_node* root;

And here is the second :

typedef struct
    char content[100];//This one 
    char base_word[100];
    int nature;
    int genre;
    int nombre;
    int temps;
    int personne;

In this case I want to put one of the character from content to letter from the other structure. So this is how I procede :

int main () {
    FILE *fp;
    char str[5000];
    char type[100];
    t_tree Letter;
    t_node* temp;
    t_node first;

    fp = fopen("dico_reducted.txt" , "r"); 

    if(fp == NULL) {
        perror("Error opening file");

    while (fgets (str, sizeof(str), fp)!=NULL) {
        word A;
        sscanf(str,"%s\t%s\t%s:%s",&A.content, &A.base_word, &type); 
        Letter.root = &first;
        first.letter = 'N';
        first.f_letters[0] = temp; 
        temp->letter = A.content[0]; //This is the line where the error is coming from
    fclose(fp); // Close the file

    return 0;

This other line take a text from a .txt file and the first word is putted inside A.content. I'm actually trying to create a tree with the letter of this word.

I've tried to find out if the type are different between A.content[0] and temp.letter but it seems to be the same.

Actually the output I have now is nothing but an error. The final output would be a tree with letter in every node.


  • temp is not initialized. It not pointed any real object.