I have a table which contains the job types that can be created, and a migration and schema to go with these, however I would like to insert default data into the table on migration / creation.
Currently, I resort to just adding the data myself and hoping I don't accidentally rollback too far, but I would like a more robust solution to this.
These are called "seeds".
In your mix.exs
, create an alias like this:
defp aliases do
"ecto.setup": ["ecto.create", "ecto.migrate", "run priv/repo/seeds.exs"],
Now just create that file priv/repo/seeds.exs
and put something like this in it:
case Mix.env() do
:dev ->
IO.puts("Let's add some data!")
{:ok, job_0} = YourModule.create_job(%{name: "job_0"})
{:ok, job_1} = YourModule.create_job(%{name: "job_1"})
_ ->
Note that I am careful to only run "seeds" in the :dev
With all this setup, you can just do mix ecto.drop
to drop the current database and then mix ecto.setup
to create a new database, run migrations and populate with seed data.
What I have written is purely illustrative. You are free to make any kind of mix alias and seeds script you want.