I am trying to download data using a Webclient object in chunks of 5% each. The reason is that I need to report progress for each downloaded chunk.
Here is the code I wrote to do this task:
private void ManageDownloadingByExtractingContentDisposition(WebClient client, Uri uri)
//Initialize the downloading stream
Stream str = client.OpenRead(uri.PathAndQuery);
WebHeaderCollection whc = client.ResponseHeaders;
string contentDisposition = whc["Content-Disposition"];
string contentLength = whc["Content-Length"];
string fileName = contentDisposition.Substring(contentDisposition.IndexOf("=") +1);
int totalLength = (Int32.Parse(contentLength));
int fivePercent = ((totalLength)/10)/2;
//buffer of 5% of stream
byte[] fivePercentBuffer = new byte[fivePercent];
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
int count;
//read chunks of 5% and write them to file
while((count = str.Read(fivePercentBuffer, 0, fivePercent)) > 0);
fs.Write(fivePercentBuffer, 0, count);
The problem - when it gets to str.Read(), it pauses as much as reading the whole stream, and then count is 0. So the while() doesn't work, even if I specified to read only as much as the fivePercent variable. It just looks like it reads the whole stream in the first try.
How can I make it so that it reads chunks properly?
count = str.Read(fivePercentBuffer, 0, fivePercent);
fs.Write(fivePercentBuffer, 0, count);
} while (count > 0);