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How to decode json data with Reified, Generics, Interface and Kotlin?

How to decode json data with Reified, Generics, Interface and Kotlin?

I created a project where i put the code and the instructions to run:

But basically the code is:


interface Serializer {
    fun <T> decodeValue(data: String): T?

class JsonSerializer : Serializer {
    override fun <T> decodeValue(data: String): T? {
        try {
            val type = object : TypeToken<T>() {}.type
            val gson = Gson()
            return gson.fromJson<T>(data, type)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            println("Error when parse: ${e.message}")

        return null

class Request<T>(val r: T)

inline fun <reified T> callSerializer(json: String): T? {
    val serializer = JsonSerializer()
    val decoded = serializer.decodeValue<Request<T>>(json)
    return decoded?.r

fun main() {
    val finalValue = callSerializer<Request<String>>("{\"r\": \"test\"}")
    println("Decoded data is: $finalValue")
  • The Request class has an inner value called r with generic type.
  • Im trying convert the json data above to the Request class and bind r from json to string type.

But im getting the error:

> Task :run FAILED
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class cannot be cast to class Request ( and Request are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
        at MainKt.main(Main.kt:36)
        at MainKt.main(Main.kt)

The gson library think that it is a LinkedTreeMap instead of the Request class.

How to solve this?



  • import
    interface Serializer {
        fun <T> decodeValue(data: String): Request<T>?
    class JsonSerializer : Serializer {
        override fun <T> decodeValue(data: String): Request<T>? {
            try {
                val type = object : TypeToken<Request<T>>() {}.type
                val gson = Gson()
                return gson.fromJson<Request<T>>(data, type)
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                println("Error when parse: ${e.message}")
            return null
    class Request<T>(val r: T)
    inline fun <reified T> callSerializer(json: String): T? {
        val serializer = JsonSerializer()
        val decoded = serializer.decodeValue<T>(json)
        return decoded?.r
    fun main() {
        println("Decoded data is: ${callSerializer<String>("{\"r\": \"test\"}")}")