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'Parameter count mismatch' Error when trying to insert List<dynamic> to Excel using closedXml InsertData

I am trying to export dynamic list items to excel using ClosedXML. The goal is to allow end user to select the columns to be exported. Since the columns are dynamic, I use.ToDynamicListAsync() of System.Linq.Dynamic.Core name space. The problem is excel export works fine if I create anonymous object but throws error when I directly pass the select query as shown below. I directly pass the select cols bcoz the cols will be known only at runtime.

Below is the code snapshot for clarity

            using ClosedXML.Excel;
            using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core;

            var filter = "MeetingNo = 85";
            var query = context.PrmProjects.AsNoTracking().Where(filter);

            var items = await query.Select(x => new
            using var wb = new XLWorkbook();
            var ws = wb.Worksheets.Add();
            ws.Cell(3, 1).InsertData(items); /// WORKS FINE

            var selectQuery = $"new(OrganizationId,ProjectNo,MeetingNo,Name)";
            var items1 = await query.Select(selectQuery).ToDynamicListAsync();
            using var wb2 = new XLWorkbook();
            var ws2 = wb2.Worksheets.Add();
            ws2.Cell(3, 1).InsertData(items1); /// THROW ERROR 'Parameter count mismatch' 


In the above sample code InsertData with the list 'items' works fine but 'items1' throws an error 'Parameter count mismatch'

Screenshot of List 'items', working fine: enter image description here

Screenshot of List 'items1', throw error:enter image description here

Error screenshot: enter image description here

Can any one please help me. What am I doing wrong.


  • The cause for this error is that System.Linq.Dynamic.Core creates a new dynamic type based on DynamicClass which does also have an indexer:

    public object? this[string name]

    The ClosedXml calls GetProperties(...) in the ObjectReader.cs class and this GetProperties does return 5 entries:

    • OrganizationId
    • ProjectNo
    • MeetingNo
    • Name
    • Index --> This is the indexer defined on the DynamicClass which is not really a normal property.

    So actually ClosedXML should be fixed to exclude indexer methods. Example:

    int parameters = propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Length;
    if (parameters > 0)
        // The property is an indexer, skip this.