I'm trying to send a subscription over a Websocket connection to AppSync. But when I send the request, I get the error {errorType: "UnsupportedOperation", message: "unknown not supported through the realtime channel"}
Here's my test code (yes, a little messy :) ):
let ws = undefined;
const id = 'XXX';
const region = 'YYY';
const apikey = 'ZZZ';
const host = id + '.appsync-api.' + region + '.amazonaws.com';
const url = 'wss://' + id + '.appsync-realtime-api.' + region + '.amazonaws.com';
const httpUrl = 'https://' + host + '/graphql';
function openWebsocket(){
const api_header = {
host: host,
'x-api-key': apikey,
// payload should be an empty JSON object
const payload = {};
const base64_api_header = btoa(JSON.stringify(api_header));
const base64_payload = btoa(JSON.stringify(payload));
const appsync_url = url + '?header=' + base64_api_header + '&payload=' + base64_payload;
return new WebSocket(appsync_url, ['graphql-ws']);
function runWebsocket() {
ws = openWebsocket();
* Send request over websocket
* (Convenience function)
const _send = (obj) => {
let initializingMode = true;
ws.onopen = (e) => {
// initialization phase start:
_send({ type: 'connection_init' });
ws.onmessage = (e) => {
const data = JSON.parse(e.data);
if (initializingMode) {
if (data.type == 'connection_ack') {
// Acknowledge came, so we can start subscribing
// try to subscribe
const query = {
query: `subscription MySubscription {
onCreateNotifications {
const queryStr = JSON.stringify(query);
id: localStorage.getItem(HeaderItems.idToken),
type: 'start',
payload: {
data: queryStr,
authorization: {
host: host,
'x-api-key': apikey,
initializingMode = false;
I think you need to put the "authorization" object inside an "extensions" property:
id: localStorage.getItem(HeaderItems.idToken),
type: 'start',
payload: {
data: queryStr,
extensions: { /* The authorization needs to be wrapped here */
authorization: {
host: host,
'x-api-key': apikey,
See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/appsync/latest/devguide/real-time-websocket-client.html - search for "Example using a custom domain name".