I've just started working with streams and lambdas, and have figured out how to use streams-lambdas instead of a for loop.
This is the previous method I had:
public void findVehicle(){
System.out.println("Input a vehicle rego: ");
in = new Scanner(System.in);
String rego = in.nextLine();
for (int i=0; i<vehicles.size();i++){
if (vehicles.get(i).getRego().equals(rego)){
System.out.println("The vehicle does not exist.");
And this is my method now:
public void findVehicle(){
System.out.println("Input a vehicle rego: ");
in = new Scanner(System.in);
String rego = in.nextLine();
.filter(vehicle -> vehicle.getRego().equals(rego.toUpperCase()))
This stream works perfectly, but I want it to return once found and print the vehicle. If the vehicle is not found, I want it to print the error statement.
Try this.
.filter(v -> v.getRego().equals(rego.toUpperCase()))
() -> System.out.println("The vehicle does not exist."));