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How To Use Spec with Namespace Keywords That Aren't Valid Namespaces Coming From Datomic?

I'm not sure how to word my question, so apologies if it's confusing. I'm currently trying to write specs for some data that's coming out of datomic. A map I'm getting back might look like:

{:id "123abc" :event/date "1/1/2020"}

My goal is to write a spec like:

(s/def ::result (s/keys :req-un [::id string? :event-date string?]))

I've tried a couple things, and have setup a namespace schema.event where I'm defining the spec for date.

(ns schema.event)
(s/def :event/date string?)

The issue is that none of these work, I can't seem to get it to work with data containing event/date as it keeps validating on just :date.

The following will return success with my current setup:

{:id "123abc" :date "1/1/2020"}

But that doesn't mirror the data I'm getting from Datomic so isn't very helpful. What am I doing wrong here? I suspect it's just something to do with my lack of understand on how Clojure is treating namespaces.


  • That's because you're using the :req-un option. Try switching to the :req one. And you can have both - :req-un for ::id and :req for :event/date.