I'm trying to clone the repo https://github.com/TowerofHanoi/towerofhanoi.github.io on my GitHub, based on the website https://toh.necst.it and publish it on a new GitHub pages instance. I'm doing this to check that a new article is well formatted for publication.
I'm having trouble generating the website on GitHub pages, the site is somehow bad: https://mencucci.github.io/towerofhanoi.github.io/ (my repo: https://github.com/Mencucci/towerofhanoi.github.io).
Locally on my Ubuntu machine, I can get the site to render properly with the following commands:
bundle init
bundle add jekyll
rm -rf \_site && bundle exec jekyll serve --verbose
I couldn't get the remote to build properly.
I tried:
I noticed a difference in the logs: local, and github. The local log references the /_layout
directory, but the remote one does not. Maybe it doesn't "see" the theme?
Thank you for your time
Figured it out, my main issue was that I was running the site using the default url, which hosts the site at <username>.github.io/<repo_name>
. Some hard coded elements assumed that the site be hosted at domain root instead. I solved my issue by using a custom domain, which mapped the to the base domain (empty path).