The input values are in column 1,2 & 3 and the output values are in column 4.
I want to Vlookup values in Column 3 (comma separated values of Pipe Numbers- column1) read these values and find the values from column 2 and write the maximum values for Maximum time of concentration.
For example, Pipe 4,
U/s connected pipes are 1,2,3 & 4 (column 3) Design time - column 4 will be maximum of Tc (column 2) of 1,2,3,4
You may try these formulas below, provided Excel dependent
• Formula used in cell D2
--> Formula applicable in Excel 365 For Windows/MAC/Web
• Formula used in cell E2
• Formula used in cell F2
=MAX(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(IFERROR(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(C2,",",REPT(" ",100)),ROW($1:$10)*100-99,100))*1,""),$A$2:$B$7,2,0),B2))
Note: Depending on one's Excel version this may needs to be keyed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.