I'm wondering is it ok if arguments and expects are going out of scope when they actually be matched later? like this:
struct Object
// ...
struct TestFixture : public testing::Test
MOCK_METHOD1(handle, void(Object obj));
TEST_F(TestFixture, Basic)
Object obj; // = get different obj
EXPECT_CALL(*this, handle(obj));
Object obj; // = get different obj
EXPECT_CALL(*this, handle(obj));
Object obj; // = get different obj
EXPECT_CALL(*this, handle(obj));
// call handle 3 times
all the 3 obj
variable will go out of scope, also will EXPECT_CALL
create some kind of local variables there? Is this test ok in gtest? Thanks.
, these matchers make a copy of value in case it’s modified or destructed later.
So you are fine.