I have a class utils and in it there is an parseError
function. The goals is to describe the error response given from the retrofit. So I just need to call a function from a certain class.
public static BaseApiResponse<LoginResponse,LoginErrorResponse> parseError(Response<?> response) {
try {
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type type = new TypeToken<BaseApiResponse<LoginResponse,LoginErrorResponse>>() {}.getType();
return gson.fromJson(response.errorBody().charStream(), type);
}catch(Exception e) {
BaseApiResponse erResponse = new BaseApiResponse();
erResponse.setMessage("Error unexpected in JSON!");
return erResponse;
Here is the full function I tried.
The problem is, I have a BaseResponseAPI<DATA, ERROR>, where the class has a dynamic object class parameter. How to make the function(parseError) that I created return dynamic object class data ? the example i want the call to be dynamic is like this:
BaseApiResponse<LoginResponse, LoginErrorResponse> errResponse = CommonUtils.parseError(response);
BaseApiResponse<RegisterResponse, RegisterErrorResponse> errResponse = CommonUtils.parseError(response);
You can edit function to use Java Generic like this:
public static <D,E> BaseApiResponse<D,E> parseError(Response<?> response) {
try {
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type type = new TypeToken<BaseApiResponse<LoginResponse,LoginErrorResponse>>() {}.getType();
return gson.fromJson(response.errorBody().charStream(), type);
}catch(Exception e) {
BaseApiResponse<D,E> erResponse = new BaseApiResponse<D,E>();
erResponse.setMessage("Error unexpected in JSON!");
return erResponse;
Then you can call the function like this:
BaseApiResponse<LoginResponse, LoginErrorResponse> errResponse = CommonUtils.<LoginResponse, LoginErrorResponse>parseError(response);
//or other generic class
BaseApiResponse<RegisterResponse, RegisterErrorResponse> errResponse = CommonUtils.<RegisterResponse, RegisterErrorResponse>parseError(response);