I would like to create a custom variable in Google Tag Manager that extracts a selected part of the URL for me.
Here, it is not a query and the positioning also vary slightly from URL to URL.
An example URL looks like this:
Could you guys maybe help me create a variable that always extracts the text after 1.2_
until the next ]
In the example: XY
Unfortunately, I've only found solutions online which are based on the assumption that the order of the URL is always identical (and you can use the "split" function) or alternatively it's a query (for example "utm_source").
Unfortunately I don't know JavaScript very well myself.
What I tried so far:
Using split functionality (custom JavaScript variable) Unfortunately the solution is error prone if the URL changes in length or components.
Using query (URL variable). Apparently it doesn't work to query a query in a query - in the case: (1) utm_campaign, (2) 1 = ...
Make a custom JS variable, where you would just have:
return {{Page URL}}.split("1.2_")[1].split("]")[0]
This should work whenever you have your [1.2_XY]
in the url.
This is split-based, which you mentioned you've tried. If this does not work, please post exact url variations for which this should work, but does not.