Does anyone know how to use the Querytable object in an Excel Web Add-In?
I developed an Excel VSTO Add-In previously and would now like to use the same functionality instead of with VB in JS.
So lets say I just want to insert a querytable like I would with the following code in VB in JS:
QT = new_Ws.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=xConnection, Destination:=new_Ws.Range("A1"))
With QT
.WebSelectionType = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlWebSelectionType.xlAllTables
End With
How would I do that (I suppose in the Home.js file) in JavaScript?
The big question is: does the Web Add-In support the Querytables.Add function?
I could not try it, because I cannot find any documentation by Microsoft on JavaScript code, only VS (see the two links that I posted above).
OfficeJS doesn't provide any direct analog. You may find Excel JavaScript API overview for the reference. See Work with PivotTables using the Excel JavaScript API for more information.
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