Search code examples

What does t and u mean in presto sql

I am reading the documentation and trying to get to the bottom of some queries.

Here is a query with both t and u

SELECT * FROM (VALUES 1, 2) t("left"), (VALUES 3, 4) u("right");

Here is another using only t:

SELECT * FROM (VALUES 5, 2, 4, 1, 3) t(x) ORDER BY x OFFSET 2 LIMIT 2;

There are also these two (notice the space between the t and the ():

SELECT student, score
FROM tests
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(scores) AS t (score);
    (ARRAY[2, 5], ARRAY['dog', 'cat', 'bird']),
    (ARRAY[7, 8, 9], ARRAY['cow', 'pig'])
) AS x (numbers, animals)
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(numbers, animals) AS t (n, a);

Here t(sites) is described as an alias.

FROM dataset, UNNEST(items) AS t(sites)

I have googled for hours. I hope someone with more SQL experience can point me toward useful search strings.

  1. Are both u and t predefined aliases?
  2. What do the aliases mean
  3. Do I need the parentheses for the alias to work?
  4. Do the space between the character and the parentheses have any special meaning?


  • My DWH team helped me out. These are aliases combined with column names. When you know, it seems trivial.

    The first example:

    SELECT * from (VALUES 1, 2) t("x")

    might be easier to understand written like this

    SELECT * from (VALUES 1, 2) as t("first")

    The (VALUES 1, 2) as t("first") creates a table with one column and two rows. The table has the alias t, and column name first.

    SELECT * from (VALUES (1,3), (2, 4)) as t("first", "second")

    Gives two rows like this

    #    first  second
    1    1      3
    2    2      4
    1. They are not predefined aliases but normal aliases
    2. NA
    3. You need them if the column names can not be inferred from the table
    4. No