So I am feeding the results of this SQL into an array. The array later becomes the suggestions for a textbox that operates while typing. I want it to only return each name 1 time, even if the person has multiple appointments. Currently, this returns all appointments for the person with that name, so if "Brad Robins" has 5 appointments, and I start to type "Brad", it displays "Brad Robins" 5 times in the suggestions instead of only once.
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(clients.studentFirstName, ' ', clients.studentLastName) AS name, appointments.location, appointments.subLocation, appointments.appointmentAddress1, appointments.appointmentAddress2, appointments.appointmentCity, appointments.appointmentState, appointments.appointmentZip, appointments.startTime, appointments.endTime,,
FROM appointments JOIN clients
ON appointments.clientID = clients.clientID
WHERE CONCAT(clients.studentFirstName, ' ', clients.studentLastName) = '".$roommate."' AND = '".$school."';";
To me, it just seems like DISTINCT and CONCAT aren't playing nicely together.
Distinct goes against the entire row of ALL columns, not just the name portion... So if the appointments are on different date/times, locations, etc, they will all come out. If all you want to show is the NAME portion, strip the rest of the other content. Query the available appointments AFTER a person has been chosen.