I have a quick question regarding google sheets api using java script. Can I enter multiple ranges (e.g. named ranges) at once to keep the number of requests low?
The code I have so far:
const RANGE = "'GM Cheat Sheet'!";
const response = await fetch(
const { values } = await response.json();
Any help is appreciated :)
I tried defining the range as follows:
const RANGE = ["'GM Cheat Sheet'!Range1", "'GM Cheat Sheet'!Range2"];
This did not work.
In your situation, how about using "Method: spreadsheets.values.batchGet"? When this method is used, the multiple ranges can be used by one API call. When this is reflected in your script, it becomes as follows.
const API_KEY = "###"; // Please set your API key.
const ID = "###"; // Please set your Spreadsheet ID.
const RANGE = ["Range1", "Range2"]; // This is from your question.
const ranges = RANGE.map(e => `ranges=${encodeURIComponent(e)}`).join("&");
const response = await fetch(`https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/${ID}/values:batchGet?key=${API_KEY}&${ranges}`);
const { valueRanges } = await response.json();
const obj = valueRanges.reduce((o, { values }, i) => (o[RANGE[i]] = values, o), {});
When this script is run, the values are retrieved from the ranges of RANGE
In the case of a named range, the name of the named range is a unique value in the Google Spreadsheet. So, in this case, when "Range1" and "Range2" are the named range, you can use const RANGE = ["Range1", "Range2"];
By adding const res = valueRanges.reduce((o, { values }, i) => (o[RANGE[i]] = values, o), {});
, the returned value is as follows. By this, you can retrieve the values of the named range as obj.Range1
and obj["Range1"]
"Range1":[### values ###],
"Range2":[### values ###]