Good morning, currently I am stuck on trying to figure out how to detect a cycle in a undirected graph where the keys are strings.
my code so far:
public boolean hascycle() {
DSHashMap<String> parent = new DSHashMap<>();
DSHashMap<String> visted = new DSHashMap<>();
LinkedList<String> q = new LinkedList<>();
for (String start : graph) {
visted.put(start, "");
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
String v = q.poll();
for (String x : graph.get(v)) {
if (!visted.containsKey(x)) {
visted.put(x, "");
parent.put(x, v);
} else if (!parent.get(x).equals(v))
return true;
return false;
My logic so far: if the key of parent does not equal to v, it must be a new neighbor and we should return true.
When I tried checking my code with this checker:
private static void gradehascycles() {
System.out.println("\nGrading the cycles function");
DSGraph g = new DSGraph();
g.addEdge("a", "b");
g.addEdge("a", "e");
g.addEdge("c", "b");
g.addEdge("c", "d");
checkExpect(g.hascycle(), false, "Square graph", 1);
My code returned true even though it was supposed to be false. What is the logic behind checking if a graph has a cycle or not?
There are two classic ways of finding cycles in graphs: one is by using DFS (depth first search) algorithm and label the edges and look for back edges.
And the other one is to use the union-find algorithm (aka Disjoint Set data structure) which is used in many applications for cycle detection, especially when you have an undirected graph.
Note: There are other ways you can detect cycles in graphs, but they are usually not as efficient as the ones mentioned above.