I am using SqlKata purely to build SQL queries in C#. The query I need contains the NOT IN
command but I don't know how to write it in C#.
This is my SQL query:
SELECT [User].UID as UserUID, FirstName, LastName FROM [USER]
WHERE [User].[AccountUID] = @p2
FROM [User]
OUTER APPLY [User].[UserProducts].nodes('/ArrayOfUserProduct/UserProduct') AS XmlData(UserProductXMLData)
LEFT OUTER JOIN [UserFormProducts] ON [UserFormProduct].[UserUID] = [User].[UID]
WHERE [User].[DeleteDate] IS NULL
AND (([UserFormProduct].[Product] = 0 AND [UserFormProduct].[FormUID] = @p1) OR [UserFormProduct].[UserUID] IS NULL)
AND [User].[AccountUID] = @p2
I am trying to get the above query, I am here now
var countQuery = new Query("User")
.Join("User.[UserProduts].nodes('/ArrayOfUserProducts/UserProducts') as XmlData(UserProductXMLData)", j => j, "OUTER APPLY")
.LeftJoin("UserFormProducts", "UserFormProducts.UserUID", "User.UID")
.Where(x => x.Where("UserFormProducts.Product", 0).OrWhereNull("UserFormProducts.UserUID"))
.Where("UserFormProducts.FormUID", formUID)
.Where("User.AccountUID", accountUID)
Does anyone know how can I write the part "UID NOT IN" I wrote in SQL?
Use WhereNotIn()
. Documentation.
Pass an IEnumerable to apply the SQL WHERE IN condition.
new Query("Posts").WhereNotIn("AuthorId", new [] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
SELECT * FROM [Posts] WHERE [AuthorId] NOT IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
You can pass a Query instance to filter against a sub query
var blocked = new Query("Authors").Where("Status", "blocked").Select("Id"); new Query("Posts").WhereNotIn("AuthorId", blocked);
SELECT * FROM [Posts] WHERE [AuthorId] NOT IN (SELECT [Id] FROM [Authors] WHERE [Status] = 'blocked')
Note: The sub query should return one column