In java I have a test here are few lines of code from it:
StrategySlide strategySlide = mock(StrategySlide.class);
assertTrue(strategySlide.canSlide(board, fromCoords, toCoords));
This is a part of the canSlide code (i just put return true at the top to make sure it would always return true):
abstract public class StrategySlide implements StrategyFactoryI {
public boolean canSlide(Board board, Coordinates from, Coordinates to) {
return true;
However upon running only this test I get the following output:
expected: <true> but was: <false>
Expected :true
Actual :false
I have no idea why it would read false when I just do return true. Does anyone have a idea how this could happen?
That's because you're mocking strategySlide
and Mockito by default returns false
for mocked methods that return a boolean
From the documentation:
By default, for all methods that return a value, a mock will return either null, a primitive/primitive wrapper value, or an empty collection, as appropriate. For example 0 for an int/Integer and false for a boolean/Boolean.
If you want to test the actual implementation, then you shouldn't mock StrategySlide
but create a new instance through the normal ways (eg. new StrategySlide()
If you want to use Mockito to return a different value, you can use:
when(strategySlide.canSlide(any(), any(), any()).thenReturn(true);
comes from Mockito.when()
and any()
comes from ArgumentMatchers.any()