I recently downloaded unity, and I found that the localScale method was a better option for flip a character(especially for the box collider). But when I go close to a wall and turn, my character get stuck in wall. Do Code that I use](https://i.sstatic.net/zHuz1.png) have solutions ?Game preview](https://i.sstatic.net/C7vfj.png)
I tried to make my wall bouce my character and nothing changed, sometimes he got stuck.
It's easy to solve once you understand the 'base' by which the scale is flipped. No. 1 and 2 of the uploaded image show the x scale value of 1 and -1 when the reference axis is in the center. Numbers 3 and 4 are when the reference axis is moved to the (0, 0.5) position of the image center using the sprite editor, and the x scale value is set to 1, -1 in the same way.