I'm asked to pass a pointer to an array of byte and make some checks in a PROC and return. I read on Stackoverflow that first I need to dereference the ptr then access it. I'm doing that on line 36 and 37 but this approach is giving me:
A2022 instruction operands must be same size
A2032 invalid use of register
when I try to assembly this code. both arr, pointer and the register is same size (8-bits) and I don't understand why am I getting this error. First error, instruction operands must be same size is for line 36 which is mov bh, arr
and the second error invalid use of register is thrown for line 37 which is mov dl, [bh+ecx-1]
Here's the code:
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
.model flat,stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
minArr BYTE 5,2,4,1,3
maxArr BYTE 9,5,8,4,6
pinArr BYTE 6,3,4,3,4
pinArr2 BYTE 5,4,6,2,5
pinArr3 BYTE 6,2,6,2,5
pinArr4 BYTE 7,3,7,3,2
val1 BYTE ?
val2 BYTE ?
num BYTE ?
str1 BYTE "Valid",0
str2 BYTE "Invalid",0
Validate_PIN PROC, arr:ptr BYTE
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov edx, 0
mov ecx, 5
mov al, [minArr+ecx-1]
mov bl, [maxArr+ecx-1]
mov bh, arr
mov dl, [bh+ecx-1]
mov num, dl
.IF(num < al) || (num > bl)
mov edx, OFFSET str2
mov eax, 0
mov eax, ecx
loop L1
mov edx, OFFSET str1
mov eax, 0
Validate_PIN ENDP
main PROC
invoke Validate_PIN, addr pinArr
call WriteString
call WriteInt
invoke Validate_PIN, addr pinArr2
call WriteString
call WriteInt
invoke Validate_PIN, addr pinArr3
call WriteString
call WriteInt
invoke Validate_PIN, addr pinArr4
call WriteString
call WriteInt
main ENDP
END main
With the help of @Jester and @Peter Cordes (thank you!), I made the following change in the PROC code block which fixed both issues and the program works without any issue.
mov al, [minArr+ecx-1]
mov esi, arr
mov dl, [esi+ecx-1]
mov num, dl
mov bl, [maxArr+ecx-1]