I'm using fabricjs, and when I try to resize the whole canvas, I'm having troubles with some things. This is part of my code now:
<div id="cont2" class="cont2">
<div id="cont" class="container-div-canvas">
<canvas id="c" width="500" height="428"></canvas>
<div class="backgroundimage-div" id="bckimg-div"></div>
document.getElementById("resizecanvasbtn").onclick = () => {
document.getElementById("cont").style.width = "1000px";
document.getElementById("cont").style.height = "856px";
document.getElementById("cont2").style.width = "1000px";
document.getElementById("cont2").style.height = "856px";
document.getElementById("c").width = 1000;
document.getElementById("c").height = 856;
document.getElementById("c").style.width = "1000px";
document.getElementById("c").style.height = "856px";
document.getElementById("bckimg-div").style.width = "1000px";
document.getElementById("bckimg-div").style.height = "856px";
This is the canvas:
This is the canvas when I resize it:
And this is the result when I try to move a component that has been aded before the canvas resizing (the whole glitch is the result of when I move one element arround the canvas):
When I add an element after I resize the canvas, it automatically appears on another z-index (I think) and I can't even move it.
I'm not sure where I have the problem, or which thing I'm not having on mind when resizing the canvas.
Any suggestions on where to begin?
It results that the document.getElementById("c").width = 1000;
does not change the resolution of the canvas at all.
Instead how it needs to be done is with:
That will change not only the canvas
but the canvas-container
and the upper-canvas
s divs that fabricjs generates automatically, which leads on the canvas size.
Hope it helps anybody:)