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Content out of order in Blazor when using the MarkupString

I'm trying to build a component to wrap up display of content in different html elements (TD or TH).

In this simplified example, I have two MarkupString casts from string methods with a content included between them...

<span>Inner Content</span>

@code {

    private string GetStartingMarkup(){
        return "<span class=\"example\">";

    private string GetContent(){
        return "Content";
    private string GetEndingMarkup(){
        return "</span>";

I am expecting when this gets displayed to have...

<span class="example">
<span>Inner Content</span>

Instead, the content appears outside the span tag...

<span class="example"></span>
<span>Inner Content</span>

The content between the markup strings needs to be editable as the final version will include logic to embed other html and components

Any ideas how to get the intended behaviour?


  • The render engine auto closes your element.


    This component takes the element name and uses attribute splatting.

    public class DynamicElement : ComponentBase
        public string ElementName { get; set; }
        [Parameter(CaptureUnmatchedValues = true)]
        public Dictionary<string, object> Attributes { get; set; }
        public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }
        protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
            builder.OpenElement(sequence: 0, ElementName);
            builder.AddMultipleAttributes(sequence: 1, Attributes);
            builder.AddContent(sequence: 2, ChildContent);


    <DynamicElement ElementName="span" class="example">
    @code {
        private string GetContent()
            return "Content";


    <span class="example">Content</span>