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SwingUtilites: how to return values from another thread in Java?

I am trying to make an application in Java. To make Swing work correctly, I did this:

public static void main(String[] array){ 

String outerInput;
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
    public void run() {
        // I want this string input.
        String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
            null,"Stop ?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);  
// How can I get this input value in String outerInput?

How would I get this input string in my main body?


  • How would I get this input string in my main body?

    You wouldn't. The idea that your "main" would invoke a Swing dialog box and then do something with the results is contrary to the entire idea of a graphical user interface.

    In a GUI, you design your program to deal with a series of user-initiated events. Those events may be completely asynchronous, such as the keystrokes, selection, and menu choices of your typical word processor. Or they may be scripted, such as the question-answer format of a "wizard."

    Assuming that you want to do something like the latter, you would implement it using the following sequence:

    1. The user initiates some action, perhaps selecting a menu choice. This is turned into an invocation of an ActionListener, which decides that it needs more input from the user.
    2. The ActionListener, which is executed on the event dispatch thread, is permitted to do anything that it wants to the UI, such as displaying a dialog. That dialog may be modal or non-modal; in one case the output is available to the original listener, in the other you need to write a new listener to take subsequent action.
    3. Once you have enough information, you may choose to invoke a background operation. You would typically have a thread-pool to service these requests. You would not attempt to perform the request on the "main" thread; in fact, for all intents the main thread is no longer running.
    4. When your operation completes running, it would push data back to the event dispatch thread using SwingUtilities.invokeLater(). While you could use invokeAndWait() to send results to Swing in the middle of your background operation, that's rarely a good idea. Instead, create a sequence of operations, preferably one that is easily canceled by the user.

    The "standard" way to initiate operations on a background thread is via SwingWorker. There are alternatives; for example, you could use a BlockingQueue to send operations to a single long-running background thread, and use invokeLater() to return the results.

    Regardless, there's one rule that you do not want to break: never, ever, perform a blocking operation on the event dispatch thread. If you do that, then your application is broken.