I´m new in JavaScript. I´d like to convert the conditional If to a ternary operator, but I don´t know how. I leave all the code below in case someone can help me. Thanks in advance.
<img src="images/animal.jpg" width="200" height="200">
<button onclick="change()" type="button">Change</button>
let estadoCambio = true;
function change(){
if (!estadoCambio){
estadoCambio = true;
} else {
estadoCambio = false;
I tried using expressions like:
But no one works.
I am looking to change it by order of my programming teacher.
You can use destructuring to assign two variables in the conditional expression.
[document.images[0].src, estadoCambio] = estadoCambio ?
["images/flor.jpg", false] :
["images/animal.jpg", true];