I am trying to upload multiple files/folder from front-end and for some reason In my back-end I want information like - File Name, File Extension, Location of File in the Uploaded Folder and so on..
Now I am able to upload multiple files/folder but my problem comes when I am looping all the selected files to append in FormData()
, I also want to append information like - File Name, File Extension, Location of File in the Uploaded Folder, for individual file so that I can identify in my back-end.
this is what I am doing----:
const uploadFolder = document.querySelector('#upload-folder');
uploadFolder.addEventListener('change', async ()=>{
const url = "/home/photos/my-photos/";
let files = uploadFolder.files;
let header = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'X-CSRFToken': window.CSRF_TOKEN}
let formData = new FormData()
for (const key in files) {
const file = files[key];
if (file.name && file.webkitRelativePath){
const fileExtension = file.name.split(".")[(file.name.split(".").length)-1]
const filePath = file.webkitRelativePath.replace(file.name, "")
formData.append(`file-${key}`, file);
// Here I also want to append fileExtension, filePath, and also name of the file.
// I tried by giving formData.append(`file-${key}`, file, fileExtension, filePath, file.name);
// but unfortunatly it didn't work
await fetch("/home/photos/my-photos/", {method: "POST", mode: 'same-origin',
headers: header,
body: formData
You need to call formData.append()
for each key you want to add.
For example:
formData.append(`file-${key}-path`, filePath)