I am trying to write the test case for an optimistic update in react query. But it's not working. Here is the code that I wrote to test it. Hope someone could help me. Thanks in advance. When I just write the onSuccess and leave an optimistic update, it works fine but here it's not working. And how can we mock the getQueryData and setQueryData here?
import { act, renderHook } from "@testing-library/react-hooks";
import axios from "axios";
import { createWrapper } from "../../test-utils";
import { useAddColorHook, useFetchColorHook } from "./usePaginationReactQuery";
describe('Testing custom hooks of react query', () => {
it('Should add a new color', async () => {
axios.post.mockReturnValue({data: [{label: 'Grey', id: 23}]})
const { result, waitFor } = renderHook(() => useAddColorHook(1), { wrapper: createWrapper() });
await act(() => {
result.current.mutate({ label: 'Grey' })
await waitFor(() => result.current.isSuccess);
export const createTestQueryClient = () =>
new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
retry: false,
cacheTime: Infinity,
logger: {
log: console.log,
warn: console.warn,
error: () => {},
export function createWrapper() {
const testQueryClient = createTestQueryClient();
return ({ children }) => (
<QueryClientProvider client={testQueryClient}>
export const useAddColorHook = (page) => {
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
return useMutation(addColor, {
// onSuccess: () => {
// queryClient.invalidateQueries(['colors', page])
// }
onMutate: async color => {
// newHero refers to the argument being passed to the mutate function
await queryClient.cancelQueries(['colors', page])
const previousHeroData = queryClient.getQueryData(['colors', page])
queryClient.setQueryData(['colors', page], (oldQueryData) => {
return {
data: [...oldQueryData.data, { id: oldQueryData?.data?.length + 1, ...color }]
return { previousHeroData }
onSuccess: (response, variables, context) => {
queryClient.setQueryData(['colors', page], (oldQueryData) => {
console.log(oldQueryData, 'oldQueryData', response, 'response', variables, 'var', context, 'context', 7984)
return {
data: oldQueryData.data.map(data => data.label === variables.label ? response.data : data)
onError: (_err, _newTodo, context) => {
queryClient.setQueryData(['colors', page], context.previousHeroData)
onSettled: () => {
queryClient.invalidateQueries(['colors', page])
The error that you are getting actually shows a bug in the way you've implemented the optimistic update:
queryClient.setQueryData(['colors', page], (oldQueryData) => {
return {
data: [...oldQueryData.data, { id: oldQueryData?.data?.length + 1, ...color }]
what if there is no entry in the query cache that matches this query key? oldQueryData
will be undefined
, but you're not guarding against that, you are spreading ...oldQueryData.data
and this will error out at runtime.
This is what happens in your test because you start with a fresh query cache for every test.
An easy way out would be, since you have previousHeroData
const previousHeroData = queryClient.getQueryData(['colors', page])
if (previousHeroData) {
queryClient.setQueryData(['colors', page], {
data: [...previousHeroData.data, { id: previousHeroData.data.length + 1, ...color }]
If you are using TanStack/query v4, you can also return undefined from the updater function. This doesn't work in v3 though:
queryClient.setQueryData(['colors', page], (oldQueryData) => {
return oldQueryData ? {
data: [...oldQueryData.data, { id: oldQueryData?.data?.length + 1, ...color }]
} : undefined
This doesn't perform an optimistic update then though. If you know how to create a valid cache entry from undefined
previous data, you can of course also do that.