The code below names the last cell in the range as opposed to each cell in the range.
I am trying to run this loop so that starting from cell A1, any non empty cells are named "Guidance1", "Guidance2", and so on.
Sub GiveAllCellsNames()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Dim R As Range
Dim NameX As String
Static I As Long
I = I + 1
NameX = "Guidance" & I
For Each R In Range("A1:A390").Cells
If R.Value <> "" Then
With R
wb.Names.Add NameX, RefersTo:=R
End With
End If
Next R
End Sub
I tried this loop without the "with statement" on the "R" range variable and get the same result.
A named range can be added using the Range object's name property.
wb.Names.Add NameX, RefersTo:=R
R.Name = NameX
need to be incremented and the name should be updated inside the loop.
Sub GiveAllCellsNames()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Dim R As Range
Dim NameX As String
Static I As Long
For Each R In Range("A1:A390").Cells
If R.Value <> "" Then
I = I + 1
NameX = "Guidance" & I
With R
wb.Names.Add NameX, RefersTo:=R
End With
End If
Next R
End Sub