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Can I set up dependency builds in Jenkins similar to TeamCity?

I have not found information about that, I want to trigger build but before it executes, I want it to trigger some other pipelines and wait for a file created by these other pipelines to pass to a main Pipeline, can I do this in Jenkins?


  • You can, yes, in multiple ways depending on your actual use case.

    The simplest way would be to create the job you want to call and then add a step for calling that job, copy artifacts from the job and then continue with the pipeline. Using Jenkins Build step:

    stage ('Child job') {
      steps {
        build(job: 'foo', wait: true, propagate: true, parameters: [parameters_list])

    The parameter wait makes it so your pipeline waits for the child to complete run before continuing and propagate means that the result of the job is shown in the parent pipeline as well. The parameters section is needed only if your child job requires parameters. See the parameter types in the Build step documentation.

    You can also use the Jenkins pipeline snippet generator to create the call properly in your own Jenkins instance.

    To get any build artifacts from the child job, the easiest way to go is to use the Copy Artifact plugin. You'll need to archiveArtifacts in the first job and then

    copyArtifacts fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 'foo', selector: lastCompleted()

    When the artifacts are needed.