I have wsdl service. All request and response saving in minio bucket. But when content too big, in minio saved only part of this content.
My Interceptor
public class LogResponseInterceptor extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor<Message> {
private final MinioService minioService;
private final AdministrationWebClient administrationWebClient;
public LogResponseInterceptor(MinioService minioService, AdministrationWebClient administrationWebClient) {
this.minioService = minioService;
this.administrationWebClient = administrationWebClient;
public void handleMessage(Message message) throws Fault {
try (CachedOutputStream outputStream = ((CachedOutputStream) message.getContent(OutputStream.class));
InputStream inputStream = outputStream.getInputStream()) {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
inputStream, Constantas.MinioConst.MINIO_SPV_OUT_PATH, uuid.toString(), "application/xml"
SpvRecord spvRecord = SpvRequestContext.getSpvRequest();
spvRecord.setResponseXmlUrl(Constantas.MinioConst.MINIO_SPV_OUT_PATH + uuid);
log.info("End spv action with {}", spvRecord);
spvRecord.setRequestNumber(administrationWebClient.getSpvLastRequestNumber() + 1);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("### Error while get response xml");
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
CachedOutputStream contains only part of response body. How i can get full response body?
You can try lowering the level of the phase.The attachment interceptor is at the receive level (version 3.3.7).
To get the request you can try this, copy the original content to be able to flush it.
// now get the request xml
InputStream is = message.getContent ( InputStream.class );
CachedOutputStream os = new CachedOutputStream ( );
IOUtils.copy ( is, os );
os.flush ( );
message.setContent ( InputStream.class, os.getInputStream ( ) );
is.close ( );
System.out.println ("The request is: " + IOUtils.toString ( os.getInputStream ( ) ));
os.close ( );
To get the response, you need made custom implementation del original
and modify the method onClose(CachedOutputStream cos) with this
public void onClose(CachedOutputStream cos) {
final LogEvent event = eventMapper.map(message);
if (shouldLogContent(event)) {
copyPayload(cos, event);
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\nOutbound Message\n---------------------------\n");
sb.append("ID: " + event.getExchangeId() + " \n");
sb.append("Address: " + event.getAddress() + " \n");
sb.append("Encoding: " + event.getEncoding() + " \n");
sb.append("Content-Type: " + event.getContentType() + " \n");
sb.append("Headers: " + event.getHeaders() + " \n");
if(event.isTruncated()) {
sb.append("Payload (truncated) : " + event.getPayload() + " \n");
} else {
sb.append("Payload: " + event.getPayload() + " \n");
try {
// empty out the cache
cos.resetOut(null, false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
message.setContent(OutputStream.class, origStream);
IMPORTANT: the limit truncate the response, set limit to max for read the entire response